Social infrastructure and social value | Clear Channel
A Billboard live screen with an advertainment of a Heinz campaign.

Delivering for you

From the right products in the ground to supporting the causes your community cares about, count on us to make a difference for you.

A living roof bus shelter in Leicester.

Robust infrastructure

We have a proud heritage of infrastructure innovation which continues to benefit communities up and down the country.

As the world changes, and community needs evolve, our people behind the posters are there to deliver essential public infrastructure that’s built to meet the needs of everyone.

Our diverse portfolio, which blends traditional street furniture with digital formats and cutting-edge technologies, enables us to be both a Platform for Brands and a Platform for Good 

Social value is in our DNA

We've invested over £1 million in planting street trees throughout the UK and have established 10 edible playgrounds in primary schools across Newcastle, Glasgow and London, enriching children's learning environments. 

Our ongoing support for the Great British Spring Clean with Keep Britain Tidy sees growing industry engagement from Clear Channel employees, landlord partners and advertising customers who unite for litter-picking events every year, nationwide. 

Tree planting with Tree for Cities in Salford.

Delivering for communities

We're Planet Mark certified.

Our social value contribution for 2022 was independently verified at £28 million. Everything from health and wellbeing programs for our team, community activities like litter picks, donations to charities, ethical procurement to investments in reducing our carbon footprint.

By aligning with organisations like Planet Mark, we're setting the standard for Out of Home and demonstrating how we’re tangibly delivering on our mission of creating the future of media.