Clear Channel partners with One Minute Briefs to engage the creative community
06 Oct 2020 / News
This October, we announced a new, yearlong partnership with One Minute Briefs (OMB), a creative organisation that challenges their 26k strong community on Twitter to respond with instinctive ideas to daily advertising briefs and rewards the best entries. Literally one brief, one idea and one minute to bring it to life, all on Twitter.
As part of our partnership, we will be setting six challenges throughout 2021 to engage the OMBLES (members of the One Minute Briefs community), further positioning Clear Channel as a company that values creativity, fun, dexterous thinking, and engaging projects that everyone can get involved with.
The partnership kicked off with a launch brief last week, challenging the OMBLES to design a poster that would make the public smile with five words, using the hashtag #SayMoreWithLess. From a whopping total of 350 entries, two winners were selected - a dynamic idea for Twitter on our Storm Cromination site and a fun Chewbacca / Chewits creative.

Lucy McKillop, Head of Brand Marketing and one of the competition judges said: “Both winning entries made me smile for different reasons. The first understood the depth and capabilities of the Out of Home medium and used our flagship digital site to its full potential. It’s great to see creatives being so… creative with our network. The other one stood out for its great, fun copywriting that truly answered the brief and worked with the playfulness of the Chewits brand.”
While there could only be one winner (or two on this occasion), the variety and ingenuity of the entries was phenomenal and truly showcased the potential of our medium – with posters featuring cute animals, Friends the TV show, telling us it’s nearly the weekend or that 2020 is nearly over and of course, reinventing classic jokes. It was also great to see entries from our team - thanks to Jamie Mason and Mike Reeves for their contributions.

To keep up to speed on future One Minute Briefs and our partnership, follow them on Twitter.