Over a third of regular supermarket shoppers (37% / +6% YoY) now agree that the advent of hybrid working patterns has ushered in a new era of planning and purchasing groceries. The lines between traditional weekday and weekend shops have continued to blur as people further adapt their shopping routines to accommodate their flexible work schedules across the working week and weekend. This trend is even more pronounced amongst younger audiences, with 57% of 18-34s agreeing they’ve changed the way they shop – potentially reinforced by a change in remote learning patterns as well as remote working becoming the norm.
Navigating the grocery aisles in 2025: Decoding shifting shopping behaviours…
27 Jan 2025 / Insights
With shoppers continuing to face a multitude of challenges, understanding their changing motivations can help FMCG brands unlock growth throughout 2025. The traditional routine of a weekly weekend supermarket haul has long since given way to a more dynamic approach, so what’s on the mind of supermarket shoppers as the new year unfolds?
By Sandro Ruccia, Senior Marketing Manager
Just like trying out a fresh TikTok recipe to elevate your weeknight meals or that new fitness plan laid out by your favourite PT, our latest FMCG category insights are designed to deliver a quick, satisfying hit of how shopper behaviour is evolving. This marks the fourth wave in our ongoing series of FMCG trends, enabling year-on-year comparisons to help brands fine-tune their strategies and make the most of their Out of Home (OOH) media campaigns.
With H1 planning in full swing, and lots of exciting spring and summer occasions quickly coming into play, OOH continues to be a go-to channel for the FMCG category. Here are 9 bite sized trends to chew over. Get in touch to access the full survey results, or to chat to one of the team about how we can help you get the most out of your FMCG advertising campaigns.
Hybrid work, hybrid shop

On-the-go convenience meets home-cooked comfort

Along with a shift in when people shop, a notable shift is also observed in the type of shopping being carried out, with 40% (+4% YoY) now preferring multiple top-up shops over one big weekly haul. 25% are now regularly grabbing ingredients for dinner on the way home from work, and unsurprisingly, home-cooked meals are firmly still on the menu as 67% actively choose this option to save money. (+8% vs May 24). But from an advertising perspective. it’s about timing too – with traditional peaks around lunchtimes, after-work and closing time now also mixed in with less predictable ‘dashes’ to stores throughout the day.
Staying Local: The enduring pull of community stores

While loyalty to favourite in-store or online supermarkets persists (62%), a majority of shoppers (62%) also still intend to shop at the supermarket closest to home. And, with the community feel of local stores gaining traction (24% increasingly opt for smaller, neighbourhood shops), it’s no surprise that over 85% of total grocery retail sales are in physical stores. Our Audience in Focus insights further reinforce a consumer preference for instore, with 52% saying they shop solely in-store vs 7% who shop solely online. So, how do people get to their stores? Despite an increase in regular, smaller trips, 57% say they always drive. With all the best intentions, it’s clearly not always possible for shoppers to lug home multiple bags of shopping packed with heavy store-cupboard essentials. (and it’s worth noting that 1 in 4 new cars are now electric or hybrid).
Balancing loyalty with the thrill of discovery

While 44% of shoppers remain steadfast in their loyalty to favourite brands, the majority (57%) are open to trying new products or variants. The supermarket aisle is now a place where consumers balance the comfort of familiar brands with the satisfaction of discovering something new. For brands, sustained communication is paramount in upholding brand equity, and ensuring that those associations are at the front of shoppers’ minds in the right places and moments to influence purchase decisions. Our recent To buy…or not to buy research study proved that shoppers exposed to supermarket OOH screens are more likely to pay attention to the advertised brand on the shelf, spot the brand faster and are more likely to choose it.
Healthy habits take the lead on Mondays

With the workweek taking centre stage, 42% of respondents now confess to embracing healthier eating habits at the beginning of the week. It seems Monday isn't just a day for fresh starts in the office anymore; it's also becoming a habitual springboard for more health-conscious food choices throughout the week. Unsurprisingly given the generation’s prioritisation of healthy eating and mental health, we’re seeing an even stronger indication of this trend amongst 18-34s, with 59% in agreement.
Buying sustainably needs to be easier

Eco-consciousness is on the rise, with 45% of respondents actively seeking out products that are eco-friendly, recyclable, and sustainable (+4% vs May 24). The grocery aisle is transforming into a space where consumers not only consider their own needs but also the environmental impact of their choices. The easier brands can help signpost these product features, the more likely to end up in consumer baskets. Along with the ‘healthy start to the week’ trend, eco-consciousness is another trend that unsurprisingly is even more pronounced amongst younger shoppers, with 56% regularly seeking out products that are eco-friendly, recyclable, and sustainable.
Small treats, big rewards

Over half of shoppers (52%) admit to regularly seeking out small indulgences at the supermarket, viewing them as little rewards. From a healthy post-gym lunch pickup to an indulgent evening treat before surfing the streaming platforms, it seems that amidst the hustle and bustle of changing work routines, these relatively affordable moments of pleasure play a significant role in shaping the supermarket shopping experience.
Quality vs. savings: finding the sweet spot

The quest for quality food products remains a constant, with 71% emphasising the importance of good-quality items. However, in the face of economic uncertainties, 59% express a desire to reduce their grocery expenses this year. For brands, striking the right balance between communicating quality and affordability is still as crucial as ever.
The rise (and rise) of meat-free and flexitarianism

36% of shoppers have now actively reduced their meat consumption or eliminated it altogether (consistent with 39% in Jan 24). With the UK vegan population increasing to over four times its original size since the introduction of Veganuary back in 2014, a conscious effort towards healthier and more sustainable eating choices is evident, reflecting further evolving societal attitudes towards food that go way beyond just January.
Sources: Audiences in Focus, Regular supermarket shoppers (N=850), 18-34 regular supermarket shoppers (N=237). Audiences in Focus study (Mainshopper N= 875)
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