Located nationwide
Bus stop advertising offers the perfect platform for all types and sizes of brands or organisations to reach millions of people Out of Home (OOH)*. This exciting product falls into two formats, our classic 6-sheet posters known as Adshel and our digital 6-sheet bus shelter screens known as Adshel Live.
Both situated in high traffic areas or along busy high streets, our bus shelter advertising formats are unmissable and reach different audiences in towns and cities across the UK every day. Whether you’re looking to build your brand nationally, regionally, or locally or run a more targeted campaign, bus stop advertising provides the flexibility to help you meet your marketing objectives.
Why use bus shelter advertising?
There are many ways for brands and businesses to use Adshel and Adshel Live and, while both formats have similarities, there are some major differences. The classic, 24/7 platform Adshel is the ideal Reach product for advertisers looking to deliver brand building or awareness-driven campaigns; whereas the flexibility of digital OOH means that Adshel Live can also be used to deliver more messages or targeted activation campaigns. Activation marketing allows brands to capture moments or activate contextually relevant messages around key promotions to enable the targeting of buyers and drive action.
Depending on your campaign objective, you can certainly use Adshel or Adshel Live separately, however when used strategically, both formats complement each other and are proven to increase the effectiveness of your campaign. Use them to deliver smart Reach and Activation messages, strengthening brand awareness and driving consumer action at the same time. For further information on this, please get in touch.
Clear Channel is the #1 bus shelter advertising provider across the UK that offers an unavoidable medium for local, regional or national level marketing campaigns from any business sector.
Adshel panels nationwide *
* Route 51